Graphic Recording (From Principle to Action: Older Adults as Experts)Graphic Recording ( as a live, realtime tool for Knowledge Mobilization was demonstrated by a Graphic Facilitator organized by the OA-INVOLVE team at the October 18 AGE-WELL WP 1 Lunch 'n Learn session. The session topics from which a graphic was produced in realtime were: Elders' Engagement (Carrie Bourrassa, Health Science North Research Institute, guest), Best Practice Guidelines for People with Dementia Participating in Technology Testing (Lisa Loiselle, WP 1.4), Tools for Technology Engagement (Arlene Astell, WP 1.2), and three members of the OA-INVOLVE (WP 1.3) Older Adult Research Partner Group, Bessie Harris, Ian Goldman and Janet Fowler who spoke about their experiences as OA-INVOLVE team members.
The graphic has since been reproduced, printed and used for multiple purposes by OA-INVOLVE.
Independent, Dalhousie University, University of Dundee, University of Guelph, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-10-18 | Ian Goldman, Romeo Colobong, Izabela Panek, Susan Kirkland, Judith Sixsmith, Tanya Crawford, Oriana Vaccarino, Kieran O'Doherty, Pia Kontos, Bessie Harris, Janet Fowler |
NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing (In Press) Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-07 | Arlene Astell, "F. Hwang", "T. Adlam", "L.J. Brown", "C. Timon", "L. MacLean", "H. Khadra", "T. Smith", "E. Williams" |
The future of dementia care: can robots, apps and other technology fill the global gap? (In Press)Astell, A. J. & Semple, J. (In Press). The future of dementia care: can robots, apps and other technology fill the global gap? B. Elger, P. Jotterand, T. Wangmo & M. Ienca (Eds). Assistive Technologies for Dementia Care. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univeristy Press. Senior Responsible Author Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-07 | Arlene Astell, "J. Semple" |
Tour of Memory and Company (Toronto) regarding Digital Storytelling and Dementia project University of Alberta, Independent | Networking and Partnerships | 2017-11-03 | Lili Liu, Elly Park, Hollis Owens, Ron Beleno |
Canadian technology innovators' perspective on mild cognitive impairment: a focus group study KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-10-24 | Piper Jackson, Andrew Sixsmith, "Louise Nygård", Alex Mihailidis, Arlene Astell |
Digital storytelling and dementia: Possible benefits and opportunitiesOwens, H., Park, E., Beleno, R., Kaufman, D., Liu, L., & Astell, A. (2017, May). Digital storytelling and dementia: Possible benefits and opportunities. Paper to be presented at the Learning Together Conference, A New Age in BC Public Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. Independent, Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-05-13 | Hollis Owens, Elly Park, Ron Beleno, David Kaufman, Arlene Astell |
HUMAN CAPABILITY DEMANDS REQUIRED FROM THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED PARTICIPANTS IN THE USER CENTERED DESIGN NEEDS ELICITATION METHODS- A SURVEY STUDYThis paper presents results from the expert survey data on the cognitive, physical and perceptual abilities needed by older adults and people with disability to participate in 18 user centered needs elicitation methods (UCNEM) and the principles for the first iteration of a decision support matrix to support determination of appropriate needs elicitation methods for designers, researchers and developers of technologies for older adults and people with disabilities. Ryerson University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-08-03 | Joash Sujan Samuel Roy, Deborah Fels, "W. Patrick Neumann" |
Identifying existing, accessible touchscreen games for people living with dementia Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-07-11 | "Phil Joddrell", Arlene Astell, Alexandra Hernandez |
Mentor, AGE-WELL Summer school, Living well with dementiaHQP Summer-School Mentor, Mont Tremblant, Canada, July 4th-8th 2016
1) Developing Technology With People Who Have Dementia, Arlene Astell
2) 1-on-1 Mentorship Sessions
3) Pitch Competition
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-07-04 | Arlene Astell |
User-Engagement Workshop - TUNGSTEN (Tools for User Needs Gathering to Support Technology ENgagement) workshop for AGE-WELL NCEBringing together older adults, their family members, healthcare providers, researchers, community organizations, and representatives from technology industry, the overall purpose of the proposed workshop is to plan, organize, and facilitate a knowledge mobilization workshop examining obstacles and barriers to technology acquisition and use, develop practical activities for addressing the current barriers/obstacles, and evaluate this as a model of engagement to rollout across the AGE-WELL network. In these workshops, older adults, family members, and healthcare professionals, will work as experts alongside industry representatives and researchers, to identify the issues of relevance to them and create real world solutions.
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-09-09 | Arlene Astell, Anar Dilara, Erica Dove, Rebekah Churchyard |
AAL-WELL that ends well: International transdisciplinary research into Ambient Assisted Living technology for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive ImpairmentPresenter(s): P. Jackson
Conference Presentation - The 10th WORLD CONFERENCE of GERONTECHNOLOGY, ISG 2016 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-09-30 | Piper Jackson, Amy Hwang, Arlene Astell, Alex Mihailidis, "Louise Nygard", Andrew Sixsmith |
Being smart about technology Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2017-02-01 | Arlene Astell |
Canadian technology innovators’ perspective on mild cognitive impairment: A focus group studyJackson, P., Nygard, L., Mihailidis, A., Astell, A., & Sixsmith, A. Canadian technology innovators’ perspective on mild cognitive impairment: A focus group study. Canadian Association on Gerontology 2015, Calgary, Canada. October 24th 2015 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-10-24 | Arlene Astell |
China-UK collaboration: making a difference together Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-12-22 | Arlene Astell |
Choosing touchscreen games for people with dementia: Is familiarity important? Astell, A., Joddrell, P., Hernandez, A., Andrew, D., Dove, E., Stephen, N., Groenewoud, H., Schikhof, Y., Goumans, M., de Lange, J. “Choosing touchscreen games for people with dementia: Is familiarity important?” Canadian Association on Gerontology 2015, Calgary, Canada. October 25th 2015 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2015-10-25 | Arlene Astell |
Cognitive Function and Mental Health: Twin Grand Challenges for Technology.” IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL)Keynote Speaker Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-10-24 | Arlene Astell |
Group digital activities for people with dementiaPresentation - The 10th WORLD CONFERENCE of GERONTECHNOLOGY, ISG 2016 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-09-29 | Arlene Astell, Erica Dove, "Karen Cotnam" |
Innovating in Long-term care: the triumphs and challenges of trying to change practiceKeynote Speaker, Tom Kitwood Memorial Address Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-11-01 | Arlene Astell |
Novel methods to understand barriers to technology adoption for older adults: Emerging results from the COBALT project Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-03 | Colleen McGrath, Arlene Astell |
Technology solutions for well-being in later life Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-03-01 | Arlene Astell, Colleen McGrath, "Danielle Andrew" |
Traditional Academic Knowledge Mobilization and Youth: How Relevant is it to a Youth Audience? | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-09-30 | Rebekah Churchyard |
Web-based system for dementia care in China Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Leadership | 2016-12-23 | Arlene Astell |
AAL-WELL that ends well: International transdisciplinary research into ambient assistive living technology for older adults with mild cognitive impairment Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-28 | Piper Jackson, Amy Hwang, Arlene Astell, Alex Mihailidis, "Louise Nygard", Andrew Sixsmith |
A network based approach to evaluating ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-03-22 | ""Tim Gomersall"", Alex Mihailidis, ""Louise Nygard"", ""Annecka Hedman"", Amy Hwang, Andrew Sixsmith, Arlene Astell |
Activities people with mild cognitive impairments want to master - A scoping review Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-04-29 | "Eva Lindqvist", "Annika Persson Vasiliou", Arlene Astell, Alex Mihailidis, Andrew Sixsmith, "Tim Gomersall", "Louise Nygård" |
Ambient assisted living technologies for aging well: a scoping review KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-01-01 | Stephanie Blackman, Claudine Matlo, Charisse Bobrovitskiy, Ashley Waldoch, Mei Lan Fang, Piper Jackson, Alex Mihailidis, Arlene Astell, Andrew Sixsmith, "Louise Nygård" |
Computer-based tools for assessing micro-longitudinal patterns of cognitive function in older adults Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-08-01 | "Laura Brown ", "Tim Adlam", "Faustina Hwang", "Hassan Khadra", "Linda M. Maclean", "Bridey Rudd", "Tom Smith", "Claire Timon", "Elizabeth Williams", Arlene Astell |
Computerized self-administered measures of mood and appetite for older adults: The novel assessment of nutrition and ageing toolkitBrown, L.J.E., Adlam, T., Hwang, F., Khadra, H., Maclean, L.M., Rudd, B., Smith, T., Timon, C., Williams, E.A., & Astell, A.J. (2016). Computerized self-administered measures of mood and appetite for older adults: The novel assessment of nutrition and ageing toolkit. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 1-20. DOI: 10.1177/0733464816630636 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-02-11 | Arlene Astell |
Dementia: there are so many apps for that... Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-01 | "Phil Joddrell", Arlene Astell |
Experiences of people with dementia playing casual games on a tablet Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-05-16 | Arlene Astell, Phil Joddrell |
Impact of digital storytelling experience among people living with dementiaPan, Y., Simonian, N., Beleno, R., Liu, L., Kaufman, & Astell, A. J. (2018). Impact of digital storytelling experience among people living with dementia. Gerontechology, 17(suppl), 72 (s) Independent, University of Alberta, Simon Fraser University, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-09-17 | Yuhan Pan, Natalie Simonian, Ron Beleno, Lili Liu, David Kaufman, Arlene Astell |
Informing Understandings of Mild Cognitive Impairment for Older Adults: Implications from a Scoping Review Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-03-27 | Mei Fang, "Coatta, K.", "Badger, M.", "Wu, S.", "Easton, M.", "Nygard, L.", Arlene Astell, Andrew Sixsmith |
The benefits and barriers to technology acquisition: Understanding the decision-making processes of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-09-26 | Colleen McGrath, Arlene Astell |
The interplay between contextual factors and engagement in valued but challenging activities among people with cognitive decline: A focus group study KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-03-21 | ""Eva Lindqvist"", ""Annika Persson Vasiliou"", Amy Hwang, Alex Mihailidis, Arlene Astell, Andrew Sixsmith, "Louise Nygård" |
The Use of Motion-Based Technology for People Living with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Literature Review Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-01-11 | Erica Dove, Arlene Astell |
ActoDementia: Accessible apps for people living with dementia. Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2017-05-16 | Arlene Astell, Phil Joddrell, Alexandra Hernandez |
Adaptive Interaction Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-11-03 | Arlene Astell, "M. Ellis" |
Charting progress towards transforming life with dementia: the singular importance of language Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-10-12 | Arlene Astell |
Maximising the Value of Touchscreen Tablet Devices for People Living with Dementia Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-07-25 | "Phil Joddrell", Arlene Astell, Alexandra Hernandez |
Reconceptualizing dementia: How easy is it to lose the medical model? Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2016-10-12 | Arlene Astell, Alexandra Hernandez |
AAL-WELL Knowledge CaféThe Ambient Assistive Living Technologies for Wellness, Engagement, and Long Life (AAL-WELL) project held a Knowledge Café event at a Retirement Concepts facility in Surrey, BC on September 24 of this year. The event was attended by approximately 30 people, primarily older adults from Retirement Concepts independent living residences, as well as participants from academic research, industry, and residential care. The AAL-WELL project is an international, transdisciplinary research project investigating how to design technology that better supports older adults with mild cognitive impairment (such as memory issues) to live well. It includes researchers from four universities: Simon Fraser University, University of Toronto, University of Sheffield (UK), and Karolinska Institutet (Sweden). The event was an opportunity for project members to present some of the work they have engaged in over the past two years, as well as share some of their findings. It was also an opportunity to ask key questions to the participants attending the event in order to generate discussion and receive feedback.
The discussion groups were presented with three questions: 1) Would you live in a smart home?, 2) How could technology support participation in activities outside the home?, and 3) How would you prefer to be involved in setting up supportive technology? The event provoked a great deal of discussion, with many different perspectives, opinions, and experiences shared in lively conversation. It was a good example of the value of building relationships between researchers and community partners. The AAL-WELL project members were able to present their ideas and discoveries to a diverse audience, while the community participants were able to have their voices heard and provide feedback to guide future stages of research. In the end, the high quality of insight generated through this knowledge café further cemented our belief that community outreach is a core part of being a truly engaged university. KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | KTEE - Knowledge Mobilization | 2015-09-24 | Piper Jackson, Andrew Sixsmith, "Rahul Chhokar", Arlene Astell, Alex Mihailidis, "Louise Nygård", "Tim Gomersall", "Annicka Hedman", "Rajjeet Phull", Amy Hwang, Lupin Battersby, Sarah Canham |
Abstract: Understanding the technology use of people with dementia in the workplaceAbstract: Understanding the technology use of people with dementia in the workplace Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2023-10-27 | Arlene Astell |
Feasibility of Using Personalised Touch Screen Computer Application Mozzaz to Help Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia and Their CaregiversOral presentation titled "Feasibility of Using Personalized Touch Screen Computer Application Mozzaz to Help Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia and Their Caregivers" at 6th Annual Mental Health Conference Day. The conference held at Ontario Shores center for mental health sciences on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017. The theme of conference was "Innovation and Technology in Mental Health Care". Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-28 | Anar Dilara, Arlene Astell, Colleen McGrath |
Information and Communication Technology for Individuals Living with Cognitive ImpairmentsPresentation at ACRM, Chicago, November 2019 Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-11-06 | Arlene Astell, Rosalie Wang, Emily Nadler, Julie Robillard |
7th Annual Mental Health Conference on Innovation and Technology in Mental Health7th Annual Mental Health Conference on Innovation and Technology in Mental Health at Ontarioshores Center for Mental Health Sciences. Co-authored a poster presentation by Masters OT students. Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2018-02-27 | "Olivia", "Megan", Alexandra Hernandez, Shital Desai, Arlene Astell |
Developing a model for detection of the onset of depression in older adultsAndrews, J., Harrison, R., Brown, L., & Astell, A. Developing a model for detection of the onset of depression in older adults. Canadian Association on Gerontology 2015, Calgary, Canada. October 24th 2015 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2015-10-25 | Arlene Astell |
Digital tools for dementia: A mapping review2017 Ontario Shores Mental Health Conference (OSMHC). Whitby, ON, Canada. Feb 28, 2017.
Presenter: R. Churchyard
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-02-28 | Rebekah Churchyard, Arlene Astell |
Don't Panic! Work package 1's Guide to Interactive Methodologies for Research/PracticePoster Presented at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference Toronto Rehab Institute/University Health Network, University of Saskatchewan, Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, Ryerson University, Dalhousie University, Northwood Inc. | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-23 | Cathleen Edwards, Jen Langan, Danette Starblanket, Carrie Bourassa, Arlene Astell, Deborah Fels, Amanda Jenkins, Susan Kirkland, Romeo Colobong, Alexis Fabricius, Ashley-Ann Marcotte |
Introducing New Technologies to Monitor the Health Data of Older Adults with Multi-Morbidities Related to Dementia in Indigenous CommunitiesPoster Presented at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference University of Saskatchewan | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-23 | Jen Langan, Danette Starblanket, Carrie Bourassa, Megan O'Connell |
Let’s Connect - digital games for people living with dementiaPresenter (s): E. Dove Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-10-21 | "P. Gural", "K. Cotnam", "T. Shearer", Erica Dove, Arlene Astell |
The benefits and barriers to technology acquisition: Understanding the decision-making processes of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2016-10-21 | Colleen McGrath, Arlene Astell |
Transforming Let's Connect Knowledge into ActionPoster presented at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-23 | Arlene Astell, Elicia Chamoun, Erica Dove |
AGE-WELL teleconference – Engaging older adultsThis teleconference was held to inform these Work Packages on the specific areas of research of each group, and to identify common areas of interest, allowing these Work Packages to combine their efforts for mutual advantage and to decrease the duplication of similar work.
Action Items Following the Meeting Included:
1.2 will share the survey questions
7.2 will share the protocol document with 1.3
8.2 will discuss the policy and process international review with 7.1
7.1 will discuss overlap between policy related projects with 8.2
1.2 will share the survey results
7.2 will discuss potential collaboration with 8.2 citizen panels to inform mutually beneficial interests 8.2 will look across various citizen panels related to aging to identify common themes that may be helpful to WP1
1.3 will discuss potential for collaboration with 8.2 to understand experience and outcome of older adult engagement on citizen panels
7.2 will share the knowledge synthesis results when the manuscript is complete
All will talk to advisory committee at meeting to facilitate collaborations between work packages by providing a secure portal for information and data sharing
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, University of Toronto, University of Dundee, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ryerson University, McMaster Health Forum, McMaster University, University of Alberta | Networking and Partnerships | 2016-02-04 | Arlene Astell, Judith Sixsmith, Paul Stolee, Josephine McMurray, Rosalie Wang, Alex Mihailidis, Deborah Fels, Yoko Ishigami-Doyle, Heather Mcneil, Michael Wilson, Bridgette Murphy, Colleen McGrath, Izabela Panek, Don Husereau, Sheila Bodemer, Ayse Kuspinar, Maggie MacNeil, Melissa Koch, Natalie Waldbrook, Jeanie Zabukovec |
Face-to-face Digital Storytelling and Dementia Team Meeting University of Alberta, Simon Fraser University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, Independent, University of Waterloo | Networking and Partnerships | 2017-10-17 | Lili Liu, David Kaufman, Arlene Astell, Hollis Owens, Ron Beleno, Christine Daum |
Workpackage 1 meeting Ryerson University, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, University of Dundee, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-05-17 | Izabela Panek, Krishna Prasad Sivaprasad, Lisa Loiselle, Danette Starblanket, Deborah Fels, Kristen Jacklin, Judith Sixsmith, Raluca Morariu, Arlene Astell |
Workpackage 1 meeting KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-06-08 | Dorina Simeonov, Arlene Astell, Danette Starblanket, Lisa Loiselle, Izabela Panek, Debra Morgan, Raluca Morariu |
Workpackage 1 Meeting Ryerson University, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-06-21 | Izabela Panek, Deborah Fels, Lisa Loiselle, Danette Starblanket, Raluca Morariu, Arlene Astell |
Workpackage 1 meeting Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, McMaster University, Northwood Inc., Dalhousie University, University of Dundee, Ryerson University | Networking and Partnerships | 2018-07-19 | Izabela Panek, Raluca Morariu, Danette Starblanket, Brenda Vrkljan, Arlene Astell, Susan Kirkland, Judith Sixsmith, Deborah Fels |
DataDay: A Self-Management App for People with MCI or DementiaDrinks N Demos Presentation at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network, Toronto Rehab Institute/University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-22 | Arlene Astell, Cathleen Edwards, Felicia Martins |
Scaling Implementation Research: The Let's Connect KitDrinks N Demos at AGE-WELL 2019 Conference. Toronto Rehab Institute, University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-22 | Elicia Chamoun, Erica Dove, Arlene Astell |
Depathologizing Dementia: A Qualitative Analysis of a Multi-sectoral Working Group.Presentation at the 32nd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI). Presenter: R. Churchyard. Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2017-04-26 | Rebekah Churchyard, Alexandra Hernandez, Liza Futerman, Arlene Astell |
Technology Supporting Resilience in Dementia: Patient-Facing and Provider-Facing InnovationsWorkshop presentation Canadian Geriatric Psychiatry and Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health, Banff, October 25-26, 2019. KITE Research Institute at University Health Network | Scientific Excellence - Advancing Knowledge | 2019-10-26 | Shital Desai, Andrea Iaboni |